
1919 Chevrolet 490 Touring

These vehicles came without a valve cover on the engine

In 1919 the local Chevrolet franchise was Hudson & Stockum, Columbia Garage located at 102 Fessenden which is where the 7/11 is now at St Louis and Lombard. Peninsula Motor Sales bought out the franchise and moved to John and Lombard April 30, 1920.


Apparently Columbia and Peninsula first operated out of the same building. When Peninsula moved to 212 S Jersey by April 1920 people thought that Columbia moved with them, so an ad was placed in the St. Johns Review to explain Columbia did not move to 212 S Jersey.

June 27, 1919 Hudson & Stockum 107 Fessenden

June 27, 1919

June 27, 1919 Penisula Motor Sales 107 Fessenden

June 27, 1919

June 27, 1919 Penisula Motor Sales 107 Fessenden ArticleJune 27, 1919

January 02, 1920 St Johns Hardware garage at Jersey and John. cropJanuary 2, 1920

March 26, 1920 Peninsula Motor salesMarch 26, 1920


02 April 30, 1920 Peninsula Motors opens new building at 8407 N LombardApril 30, 1920

June 11, 1920, Image 4 COLUMBIA GARAGE 107 N FESSENDENJune 11, 1920

Chevrolet 4901915 Chevrolet 490 (Photo credit: GM CORP.)
